The positive side of the internet

These days, it is hard to imagine how the world would look like if there was no internet. When you look at the existing statistics like the number of websites created and the number of blog posts published daily, it would be mind-blowing if the internet stops to exist for a day.

The internet has impacted our lives in a plethora of ways, and the points below show some of the numerous benefits of the internet.

  • Access to unlimited knowledge

The fact is, if we were to set each day of the rest of our lives to learn what is on the internet, we would never be able to meet up. The internet has loads of information at our disposal and the amazing part is, you can get most of it for free.

These days, you no longer have to travel to the library in the next city to get access to information. Right from the comfort of your room, you can access any information you want and store it away in a safe place.

With the availability of e-books and other online book formats, a good number of people prefer having soft copies to the hard cover books.

  • Communication and Connection

The internet has afforded us the chance to connect with people who we have not seen before. Everyone who uses the internet would have made the minimum of an acquaintance on the internet. People who have friends on the internet have come to reap various benefits in terms of opportunities, cash gifts and the likes.

These days, people now work remotely with some of them referred to as freelancers. You can work for someone who is several miles away in another continent and get paid for your services.

  • Education

The internet has made education easier because you can now look up solutions to assignments, presentations and the likes. A student who has access to the internet would have a better chance of succeeding.

  • Entertainment

These days, the internet is fast-becoming one of the most used means of entertainment. You can view the latest series, movies and comedy videos.

How the internet affects your productivity

The internet is one of the greatest blessings ever to man. And it has provided us with great help more than we can imagine. The internet has made things easier for us, and it has increased our access to unlimited knowledge all for free.

Gone are the days when you have to travel to an old library to read an old book or a journal. These days, the internet brings online libraries to your fingertips, giving you access to almost anything you need.

However, whatever has the positive side comes with its negative effects. And sadly, the internet has affected people in some ways unimaginable. One of these ways is our productivity.

For instance, people who work in organizations and corporate bodies are largely reliant on the internet to help them increase their productivity. However, some of them are addicted to the internet which has a negative implication on their productivity.

People whose productivity is affected by the internet are those who spend late nights on the internet. They allow the internet time usage to cut into their sleep time, and it prevents them from being productive when they are at work the next day.

The same applies to students in various institutions of learning. A good number of students do not know how to control their internet time and it affects their productivity. This is one of the reasons why some of them perform poorly in their academics.

For some of these students, they find it hard to concentrate in the class because the previous night, they spent most of their time on the internet. So, it is either they sleep during the class or they keep surfing the net.

Similarly, if an individual is not careful enough, there is a tendency for his or her personal development to be affected. The internet can help your personal development and it can also cause a deterioration depending on how you use it.

If the internet affects your productivity greatly, it is important for you to discipline yourself by cutting down on your internet time.